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Garbage and Recycling Pick Up Delayed One Day
Due to the extreme winter weather, garbage and recycling pick-up will be delayed one day this week. If your normal pick-up is Thursday (2/18), it will now be on Friday (2/19). If your normal pick-up is Friday (2/19), it will now be Saturday (2/20). If you have any questions, please contact Republic Services 847.981.0091.Additional COVID-19 Information
The Village has a dedicated COVID-19 webpage (www.glendaleheights.org/COVID19) with information, updates, business and resident resources.Calendar of Events | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
February 2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- There is no parking allowed on any Village street for 24 hours after a snowfall of 2 inch or more and there is no parking allowed on any Village street for 72 hours after a snowfall of 5 inch or more.
- Buy a Glendale Heights Strong T-Shirt for you or someone you love and support the Glendale Heights Chamber of Commerce! T-Shirts are $20 and available at www.glendaleheightschamber.com.
- Purchase a custom mask for your business through the Glendale Heights Chamber! For more information, please visit https://www.glendaleheightschamber.com/.
- For more information on the Coronavirus or COVID-19, please visit www.glendaleheights.org/COVID19
- Make an appointment at the Golden Sheers Salon at the Center for Senior Citizens for a haircut, color, manicure and more! Call 630.260.6050 for an appointment! `
Latest news
Green Electric Aggregation Program
The Village is resuming its Electric Aggregation program with Chicago-headquartered Eligo Energy. The program enables the Village to receive 100% Renewable Green Energy by way of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and an annual civic contribution at zero added cost to ratepayers and the Village.Notices will be mailed to residents and small businesses on Monday, February 15. Some accounts will remain with ComEd, others will move to Eligo, but the net effect for all is identical: all pay the same ComEd rate. You do not need to take any action to participate unless you have a contract already established with another supplier.
For more information, please email Sharon Durling at sdurling@nimec.net, leave your name and call back number at 800.727.3820 or click MORE to visit our Electric Aggregation Program webpage.
DuPage County Stormwater Management Opens Public Comment Period for Draft Winfield Creek Watershed Plan
The DuPage County Stormwater Management Planning Committee is now accepting public comment for the draft Phase 2 Addendum to the Winfield Creek Watershed Plan and the draft Winfield Creek Water Quality Watershed-based Plan. There will be a virtual informational meeting on Wednesday, February 24 at 5:00 pm conducted via Zoom. You may register for the meeting by clicking here. For any questions, please contact DuPage County Stormwater Management at 630.407.6673.Glendale Heights Hook Up Free Fire
Food Distribution Event
The Village of Glendale Heights is partnering with the Northern Illinois Food Bank for a Food Distribution Event on Saturday, February 20 from 9:00 am to noon at Camera Park. This event will help feed those families and individuals who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. You do not need to be a resident of Glendale Heights in order to receive assistance and no identification is required. We ask that you please wear a face covering and remain in your vehicle. Please drive slow and follow the directions from the staff and volunteers upon arrival. We want to thank all of the supporting organizations for your help in making sure no family or individual goes hungry. For more information, please contact the Sports Hub at 630.260.6060. To volunteer, contact Tanya Macko at Tany_Macko@glendaleheights.org or call 630.909.5459 or click the following link.Village Parking Restrictions
The Police Department would like to remind residents of the parking regulations within the Village during snowfall.- There is no parking allowed on Village streets designated as a snow route for 24 hours after a snowfall of 1' or more
- There is no parking allowed on any Village street for 24 hours after a snowfall of 2' or more
- There is no parking allowed on any Village street for 72 hours after a snowfall of 5' or more.
Glendale Heights Police Department Survey
The Glendale Heights Police Department is working in partnership with our residents to maintain a safe and secure community, reduce crime and improve the quality of life for our residents through ethical, courteous and professional police service. Please fill out this survey to let the Glendale Heights Police Department know how they can improve and better serve the residents of Glendale Heights. All survey responses and comments are completely confidential. If you have any questions, please call the Glendale Heights Police Department’s non-emergency number at 630.260.6070.Garbage and Recycling Pick Up Delayed One Day
Due to the extreme winter weather, garbage and recycling pick-up will be delayed one day this week. If your normal pick-up is Thursday (2/18), it will now be on Friday (2/19). If your normal pick-up is Friday (2/19), it will now be Saturday (2/20). If you have any questions, please contact Republic Services 847.981.0091.Additional COVID-19 Information
The Village has a dedicated COVID-19 webpage (www.glendaleheights.org/COVID19) with information, updates, business and resident resources.Calendar of Events | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
February 2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- There is no parking allowed on any Village street for 24 hours after a snowfall of 2 inch or more and there is no parking allowed on any Village street for 72 hours after a snowfall of 5 inch or more.
- Buy a Glendale Heights Strong T-Shirt for you or someone you love and support the Glendale Heights Chamber of Commerce! T-Shirts are $20 and available at www.glendaleheightschamber.com.
- Purchase a custom mask for your business through the Glendale Heights Chamber! For more information, please visit https://www.glendaleheightschamber.com/.
- For more information on the Coronavirus or COVID-19, please visit www.glendaleheights.org/COVID19
- Make an appointment at the Golden Sheers Salon at the Center for Senior Citizens for a haircut, color, manicure and more! Call 630.260.6050 for an appointment! `
Latest news
Green Electric Aggregation Program
The Village is resuming its Electric Aggregation program with Chicago-headquartered Eligo Energy. The program enables the Village to receive 100% Renewable Green Energy by way of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and an annual civic contribution at zero added cost to ratepayers and the Village.Notices will be mailed to residents and small businesses on Monday, February 15. Some accounts will remain with ComEd, others will move to Eligo, but the net effect for all is identical: all pay the same ComEd rate. You do not need to take any action to participate unless you have a contract already established with another supplier.
For more information, please email Sharon Durling at sdurling@nimec.net, leave your name and call back number at 800.727.3820 or click MORE to visit our Electric Aggregation Program webpage.
DuPage County Stormwater Management Opens Public Comment Period for Draft Winfield Creek Watershed Plan
The DuPage County Stormwater Management Planning Committee is now accepting public comment for the draft Phase 2 Addendum to the Winfield Creek Watershed Plan and the draft Winfield Creek Water Quality Watershed-based Plan. There will be a virtual informational meeting on Wednesday, February 24 at 5:00 pm conducted via Zoom. You may register for the meeting by clicking here. For any questions, please contact DuPage County Stormwater Management at 630.407.6673.Food Distribution Event
The Village of Glendale Heights is partnering with the Northern Illinois Food Bank for a Food Distribution Event on Saturday, February 20 from 9:00 am to noon at Camera Park. This event will help feed those families and individuals who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. You do not need to be a resident of Glendale Heights in order to receive assistance and no identification is required. We ask that you please wear a face covering and remain in your vehicle. Please drive slow and follow the directions from the staff and volunteers upon arrival. We want to thank all of the supporting organizations for your help in making sure no family or individual goes hungry. For more information, please contact the Sports Hub at 630.260.6060. To volunteer, contact Tanya Macko at Tany_Macko@glendaleheights.org or call 630.909.5459 or click the following link.
Village Parking Restrictions
The Police Department would like to remind residents of the parking regulations within the Village during snowfall.- There is no parking allowed on Village streets designated as a snow route for 24 hours after a snowfall of 1' or more
- There is no parking allowed on any Village street for 24 hours after a snowfall of 2' or more
- There is no parking allowed on any Village street for 72 hours after a snowfall of 5' or more.
Glendale Heights Hook Up Free Conference Call
Additionally, please remember not to shovel or snow blow snow onto the streets. If you have any questions regarding winter parking restrictions, please contact the Glendale Heights Police Department’s non-emergency number at 630.260.6070.