Diane Delano zodiac sign is a Aquarius. Dates of Aquarius are January 20 - February 18. Aquarius often comes off as an oddball - they have quirky personalities and quietly go about accomplishing their goals in quiet, and unorthodox ways. Many of them are also easy going and their peculiarity alongside their curious nature make them fast. Delano is the English language magazine for Luxembourg's international community, keeping you up to date with current affairs, business and lifestyle in the Grand Duchy. Delano.lu keeps you even more connected, with daily news, an in-depth event agenda, culture choices and comprehensive dining reviews. The Cost of Living in Delano is average. A single person costs: $2,030 per month. A family costs: $5,186 per month. A single traveler costs: $3,102 per month. Monthly rent costs: $1,163 per month. Coffee costs: $3.83. Delano is 45% cheaper than New York City. Breakdown of prices in Delano, United States for housing, food, transportation, going out for January 2021. Explore cost of living.
- Gender
- Male| 28
- Country
- United States
- City
- Delano
- State
- California
- Height
- 6'1'
- Last Login Date
- Age
- 28
- Eye Color
- Brown
- Body Type
- Athletic
- Hair Color
- Brown
- Ethnicity
- Caucasian
- Denomination
- Not sure yet
- Looking For
- A Long Term Relationship
- Church Name
- Church Attendance
- No answer
- Church Raised In
- Do you drink?
- No
- Smoker
- No
- Willing to relocate?
- Possibly, who knows
- Marital Status
- Single
- Do you have children?
- No
- Do you want children?
- Want Children
- Education Level
- HS Graduate
- My Profession
- Living My Best Life
- Interests
- About Me
- Get to know me don't be shy lol. I'm okay with people having different points of view and they should be allowed to do as they please as long as they don't hurt someone else! Believe in honesty and having privacy.
- First Date
- Starbucks For Sure!!
- Account Settings (To message Razor_Blaze you must meet the following criteria.)
- Any Age.
- Appears on 0 members favorites lists
Send an abuse report regarding Razor_Blaze's Language, Images or other account details
If you suspect this member is a SCAMMER or is being deceitful PLEASE CLICK HERE and let us know so that we can check them out
- Gender
- Male| 28
- Country
- United States
- City
- Delano
- State
- California
- Height
- 6'1'
- Last Login Date
- Age
- 28
- Eye Color
- Brown
- Body Type
- Athletic
- Hair Color
- Brown
- Ethnicity
- Caucasian
- Denomination
- Not sure yet

- Looking For
- A Long Term Relationship
- Church Name
- Church Attendance
- No answer
- Church Raised In
- Do you drink?
- No
- Smoker
- No
- Willing to relocate?
- Possibly, who knows
- Marital Status
- Single
- Do you have children?
- No
- Do you want children?
- Want Children
- Education Level
- HS Graduate
- My Profession
- Living My Best Life
- Interests
- About Me
- Get to know me don't be shy lol. I'm okay with people having different points of view and they should be allowed to do as they please as long as they don't hurt someone else! Believe in honesty and having privacy.
- First Date
- Starbucks For Sure!!
- Account Settings (To message Razor_Blaze you must meet the following criteria.)
- Any Age.
- Appears on 0 members favorites lists
Delano Fast Dating Questions
Send an abuse report regarding Razor_Blaze's Language, Images or other account details
Fast Dating Service
If you suspect this member is a SCAMMER or is being deceitful PLEASE CLICK HERE and let us know so that we can check them out